Sunday, December 17, 2023

How to resign and get fired in Finnish

Here's a post about resigning and getting fired in Finnish. I was laid off once. It happened in March 2020, right before the pandemic lockdown. I was supposed to be a part-time teacher in my old school until May, but I guess since I was still on the trial period, it was really easy to let me go and save money. After a bit of a shock, I was happy to be able to focus a hundred percent on my private teaching again and let other people handle the surprise online teaching of groups.

Anyway, here's some vocabulary:

  • irti - loose
  • sanoa - to say
  • irtisanoa - to lay someone off, to fire someone
  • irtisanoutua - to resign, to sign off
  • saada -  to get, to receive
  • potku - a kick 
  • saada potkut - to get fired (colloquial Finnish)
  • antaa potkut - to fire someone (colloquial Finnish)
  • erottaa - to fire 

Sanoa itsensä irti = irtisanoa itsensä = irtisanoutua = to resign

  • Sanoin itseni irti. = I resigned myself.
  • Irtisanoin itseni. = I resigned myself. 
  • Irtisanouduin. = I resigned myself.

Saada potkut = to get fired 

  • Sain potkut. - I got fired.

Irtisanoa joku = antaa potkut = to lay off someone

  • Mun pomo irtisanoi mut. - My boss laid me off.
  • Minut irtisanottiin koeajan jälkeen. = I was laid off after a trial period. 
  • Tulin irtisanotuksi. - I got fired. (A past participle passive in translative!)
  • Mä annoin sille potkut. - I fired him.

Erottaa = to fire 

  • Mun pomo erotti mut. - My boss laid me off.
  • Minu erotettiin koeajan jälkeen. = I was laid off after a trial period. 

Lue lisää: 

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it here

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