Time, place and price
- Time: We haven't decided the date of the next worshop. Let us know what day and time would be perfect for you! You can email me in hanna.mannikkolahti@gmail.com.
- Duration: 2 hours
- Place: Zoom (You'll receive a link before the workshop)
- Price: 29 €
- You'll be able to sign up in Ääntämisklinikka's online store
Content of the workshop
- The vowels y,ö and ä
- Finnish h (a little different depending on the other sounds around it)
- Finnish l (surprisingly tricky)
- The ŋ sound (hiding in nk and ng!)
- No aspiration! (k, p, and t are just k, p and t.)
- Duration (long and short vowels and consonants)
How does it work?
Päivi and I will first model the pronunciation and explain how it's done, and then the students can practice with their microphones off. After that, you can ask questions, and then we'll move on to the next topic. The example sentences will be from the easy Finnish novels Yösyöttö, Juurihoito and Ei kertonut katuvansa. We will speak Finnish, but the slides are in Finnish and in English. If you want, you can be completely silent and anonymous during the workshop, but you can also have your camera and microphone on and participate in the conversation.
Tervetuloa työpajaan! Welcome to the workshop!
Useful links
- Päivi's Instagram account (and my account)
- Päivi's interview in this blog.
- A podcast episode with me and Päivi
- Päivi's Ääntämisklinikka
- Fonetiikkaa suomenopettajille (a video series by Päivi)
About the author of Random Finnish Lesson
My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in www.linktr.ee/hannamannikkolahti and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.