The verb conjugates according to the person
A simple sentence
- Minä asun tuossa kerrostalossa. - I live in that apartment building.
A predicative sentence. Might cause confusion because of the occasional plural partitive.
- Me olemme opiskelijoita. - We are students.
A sentence with an object
- Minä juon nyt kahvia. - I'm drinking coffee now.
A sentence with two verbs, the second one in the basic form.
- Minä tykkään opiskella suomea. - I like to study Finnish.
A sentence with two verbs, the second one in MA-infinitive
- Minä menen nyt nukkumaan. - I'm going to sleep now.
The verb is always in the 'hän' form
An existential clause
- Baarissa oli paljon ihmisiä. - There were many people in the bar.
- Kouluun tulee huomenna vieraita. - The school will have visitors tomorrow.
- Savonlinnassa käy kesällä paljon turisteja. - A lot of tourists visit Savonlinna in the summer.
- Remember the plural partitive!
- Minun täytyy maksaa tämä lasku. - I have to pay this bill.
A sentence with kannattaa
- Tämä elokuva itkettää minua. - This movie makes me cry.
A sentence. that express a change or a result can be in either category
- Tulin äidiksi 31-vuotiaana. - I became a mother when I was 31 years old.
- Minusta tuli äiti 31-vuotiaana. - I became a mother when I was 31 years old.
- Read more: How to become something in Finnish
No personal pronoun at all
- Ota lisää! - Take more!
- Saako täällä syödä omia eväitä? - Is it ok to eat your own food here?
- Suomessa juodaan paljon kahvia. - They drink a lot of coffee in Finland.
Expressing your opinion with an adjective in the beginning of the sentence
- (On) harmi, että teidän pitää jo lähteä. - (It's) a pity, that you have to leave already.
Thanks for your blog and for that kind of round up.
I could definitely read and use a post about those sentences that have a 'kind of subject' in the genitive (though I feel it's more a dative complement than a genitive subject) + modal verb + verb in 1st infinitive. Like «Ulkomaalaisten kannattaa opiskella suomea.» A short list or more example of modal verbs that require that construction would be great ! :-)
Tässä postauksessa on joitain sellaisia verbejä: (Pahoittelen, että vastaan 3,5 vuotta myöhässä.:))
Ive read countless blogs and chapters and wrote down countless of my own charts but im still struggling with creating my own sentences. Would you give me a few quick and simple tips on how to translate an english sentence to finnish? I have alot of finnish in me and would love to learn it but im terrible. You can email me at the provided email i usei used to post this.
Challenge accepted! Give me a couple of English sentences that you'd like to say in Finnish and I'll write a blog post about them. I'm pretty sure that figuring out the sentence type is the key.
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