Monday, November 27, 2017

Selkokirjalukupiiri - An easy Finnish book club

Oletko koskaan lukenut selkokirjaa? Have you ever read a novel or a non-fiction book in easy Finnish? It is a really effective way to study a language, and I dare to say that reading a novel is more fun than reading a text book.

As I've mentioned before, I have simplified two novels: Salla Simukka's Punainen kuin veri and Valkea kuin lumi.  A children's novel by Sinikka and Tiina Nopola, Heinähattu, Vilttitossu ja ärhäkkä koululainen, is being printed as we speak. Two more novels are waiting for the editor's comments, but they are already in my publisher's brochure, on pages 24 and 25. :)  Here are all the posts that I have about easy Finnish.

If you want to read easy Finnish novels with other readers, do join Selkokirjalukupiiri, an easy Finnish book club in Facebook.  In addition to general posts about easy Finnish topics, we have a book of the month that we'll discuss in more detail. You can ask anything, and I'm sure that somebody will answer your question. Tervetuloa lukupiiriin!

Vuoden 2017 selkokirjoja. Easy Finnish novels published in 2017.

Kolme valmista ja yksi melkein valmis selkokirja.
Three ready and one almost ready novel in easy Finnish.

Friday, November 24, 2017

How to push in Finnish

I was completing this Memrise course about my easy Finnish novel, and I realized how many different verbs Finnish has for pushing. Do you know the difference between these ones?

  1. painaa
  2. ponnistaa
  3. puskea
  4. työntää
  5. töniä
  6. tönäistä

Here are some example sentences...

  1. Paina tästä. 
  2. Älä ponnista vielä! Ponnista nyt!
  3. Puske sitä palloa!
  4. Työnnä sitä ovea. 
  5. Älä töni!
  6. Tuo poika tönäisi minua. 

...and the translations are after this ad:

  1. Paina tästä. - Push/press here. 
  2. Älä ponnista vielä! Ponnista nyt! - Don't push yet! Push now! (At childbirth.) 
  3. Puske sitä palloa! - Push that ball (with your forehead)!
  4. Työnnä sitä ovea. - Push that door. 
  5. Älä töni! - Don't push me! (töniä = to push another person multiple times)
  6. Tuo poika tönäisi minua. - That boy pushed me. (tönäistä = to push once. It can be an accident or intentional teasing/bullying.)

Pull and push in Finnish and in Swedish.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Lahjaideoita - Gift ideas

Joulu tulee! Christmas is coming!

Here's a list of great gift ideas for people who are learning Finnish or who just happen to like Finnish things.

Luettavaa - Things to read:

Puettavaa, syötävää ja kuunneltavaa - Things to wear, eat and listen to:

Elämys - A life changing experience:

Selkokirja on aina kiva lahja! :) Tiedäthän, että voit kysyä ja keskustella selkokirjoista Facebookin lukupiirissä?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Being wrong in Finnish

Wrong in Finnish can be either väärä, väärin or väärässä.

  • Tämä on väärä koko. - This is a wrong size. 
  • Mä olin merkinnyt kalenteriin väärän päivän. - I had marked the wrong day in my calendar / journal. 
  • Tämä on väärin! - This is wrong!
  • Anteeksi, mä kuulin väärin. - I'm sorry, I misheard you. 
  • Hän on väärässä. - He is wrong. 
  • Anteeksi, muttataidat olla väärässä junassa. - I'm sorry, but you seem to be in a wrong train. 

Similar posts: 

"Read a book in easy Finnish. It will help you learn more Finnish."

Monday, November 13, 2017

The difference between 'eri', 'ero' and 'erilainen'

What is the difference between eri and erilainen?

Eri is something that is a completely different thing, object or matter.  The word eri doesn't get any endings.

  • Tämä on ihan eri asia! - This is a totally different thing! (You cannot even compare them.)
  • Tämä on eri kirja. - This is a different book. (You should get another one.)
  • Hän soitti eri paikasta kuin aikaisemmin. - He called from different place than before. (Not just different in style, but completely a different location.)

Erilainen is different kind and behaves like any adjective:

  • Tämä kirja on vähän erilainen. - This book is a little bit different.
  • Tästä päivästä tuli erilainen kuin kuvittelin. - This day became different than I imagined. 
  • Kokeillaan jotain erilaista!  - Let's try somehing different!
  • Sinä tuoksut erilaiselta kuin yleensä. - You smell different than usually.

Ero is a difference or a divorce.

  • Mitä eroa näillä on? - What's the difference between these?
  • Mitä eroa on sanoilla eri ja erilainen? - What's the difference between the words eri and erilainen?
  • Ensin tuli vauva, sitten ero. - First came a baby, then a divorce. 

Related posts and a song for you to listen to:

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Writing tips

Here are writing tips for any writing exam:

  • Lue ohjeet huolellisesti. - Read the instructions carefully. 
  • Ole yksinkertainen. - Be simple. (Exam is not the place to try out new things, so write what you know is correct.)
  • Älä kirjoita liian pitkiä lauseita. - Don't write sentences that are too long.
  • Käytä vain sanoja, jotka tiedät. - Use only words that you know.
  • Kirjoita selkeällä käsialla. - Use clear handwriting. 
  • Tarkista lopuksi, että ymmärrät itse, mitä olet kirjoittanut. - After writing, check that you understand what you have written.

You learn to write by writing and getting feedback from your texts. You should also read a lot.

Useful posts:

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Frequentative verbs in Finnish

Here's a post about verbs that express actions that happen kind of repeatedly or in a light-hearted manner. First we have verb type 3 verbs that are all derived from verb type 1 verbs by changing the end of the verb into -ella or -ellä. As you will notice, sometimes the meaning of a word can change surprisingly much!

Test yourself and see how many of these you understand:

  1. aivastaa > aivastella
  2. ajaa > ajella 
  3. haistaa > haistella
  4. heittää > heitellä
  5. hiihtää > hiihdellä
  6. hyppiä > hypellä
  7. järjestää > järjestellä
  8. kastaa > kastella
  9. katsoa > katsella
  10. kiertää > kierrellä
  11. kirjoittaa > kirjoitella
  12. kosia > kosiskella
  13. kysyä > kysellä
  14. laulaa > laulella
  15. matkustaa > matkustella
  16. muistaa > muistella
  17. oksentaa > oksennella
  18. oppia > opiskella 
  19. palaa > palella
  20. sairastaa > sairastella
  21. soittaa > soitella
  22. sanoa > sanella
  23. rakastaa > rakastella
  24. tappaa > tapella
  25. vaihtua > vaihdella

Here are the translations:

  1. aivastaa > aivastella - to sneeze > to sneeze repeatedly
  2. ajaa > ajella - to drive, to drive around without any particular reason
  3. haistaa > haistella - to smell > to sniff
  4. heittää > heitellä - to throw > to throw back and forth
  5. hiihtää > hiihdellä - to ski > to ski around, to ski in a light-hearted manner
  6. hyppiä > hypellä - to jump > to jump around
  7. järjestää > järjestellä - to organize > to arrange, to sort
  8. kastaa > kastella - to dip  > to wet something
  9. katsoa > katsella - to watch > to watch, but not so seriously
  10. kiertää > kierrellä - to go round once, to twist > to walk or drive around
  11. kirjoittaa > kirjoitella - to write > to write back and forth
  12. kosia > kosiskella - to propose (to ask to marry) > to woo
  13. kysyä > kysellä - to ask > to ask around
  14. laulaa > laulella - to sing > to sing in a light-hearted manner
  15. matkustaa > matkustella - to travel, to go travelling
  16. muistaa > muistella - to remember > to reminisce, to look back
  17. oksentaa > oksennella - to vomit > to throw up a little bit, but multiple times
  18. palaa > palella - to burn > to feel / be cold 
  19. oppia > opiskella - to learn > to study 
  20. sairastaa > sairastella - to be sick > to be sick repeatedly
  21. soittaa > soitella - to call/to play an instrument  > to call each other / to play an instrument in a light-hearted manner
  22. sanoa > sanella - to say > to dictate
  23. rakastaa > rakastella - to love > to make love
  24. tappaa > tapella - to kill > to fight, to argue
  25. vaihtua > vaihdella - to change > to vary, to alternate

Another way to make frequentative verbs is to add -eske- inside of  a verb type 3 verb. You can also add -eskella to some verb type 1 verbs. Verb type 4 verbs can get a suffix -illa.

How many do you already know?

  1. nuolla > nuoleskella
  2. olla > oleskella
  3. pierrä > piereskellä 
  4. panna > paneskella
  5. juosta > juoksennella (Juosta has an irregular conjugation anyway.)
  6. lukea > lueskella
  7. nauraa > naureskella
  8. halata > halailla
  9. kirota > kiroilla


  1. nuolla > nuoleskella - to lick > to lick multiple times, to suck up, to flatter
  2. olla > oleskella - to be > to dwell, to linger
  3. pierrä > piereskellä - to pass gas in general > to fart constantly
  4. panna > paneskella  - to have sex > to have sex with one or several people many times or in a light-hearted manner
  5. juosta > juoksennella - to run > to run around
  6. lukea > lueskella - to read > to read in a light-hearted manner
  7. nauraa > naureskella - to laught > to laugh in a sarcastic manner
  8. halata > halailla - to hug > to hug multiple times in a friendly and light-hearted way
  9. kirota > kiroilla - to curse someone > to swear

You can be very creative when making new verbs. Feel free to try anything, but don't be offended if people don't understand you.

Here's a Memrise course about frequentative verbs:
Kiitos kurssista, Alex! :)

About the author of Random Finnish Lesson: 

My name is Hanna Männikkölahti. I am a professional Finnish teacher who gives private online lessons and simplifies books into easy Finnish. Please read more in and follow this blog, if you want to be the first one to know when I post something new. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

How to say "I have" in Finnish

Here's a tiny post about different translations of the English phrase I have. In Finnish, you can say it in three different ways!

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Here are my available Yki courses: